Pubg mobile 2.3 NO GRASS CONFIG BGMI/GL/KR| NO GRASS 2.3| NO GRASS 2.3 100℅ working || no grass 2.3 New Update config pubg mobile new update


Howdy Player! Today we examine gaming configs, How we can utilize these records and how they impact for us. Likewise, I will give you the most recent No Grass document for PUBG 2.3 and this record chips away at both BGMI and KR.

In my new article I shared No Backlash record for PUBG and individuals love it In light of the fact that, On this site you get the most recent configs and every one of the documents are hostile to boycott.

This config has just no grass include as we as a whole know after each update PUBG and BGMI security got more grounded. On the off chance that PUBG security distinguish our record, may our record got restricted for a very long time. That is the reason this config has just no grass include.

Ordinary a great many individuals search PUBG watchword, a portion of these need to know Top 10 PUBG Players in Pakistan and a portion of these need to be familiar with PUBG configs. I broke down all information and afterward acknowledged people groups are more keen on Hacks and Documents.

Today we discussed how to apply and download this file. Remember one thing, there is no password on this file. I see a lot of comment on my website regarding password problem. People do not check after downloading the file, and already write in the comment what is the password of this file?

This is no grass file for PUBG 2.1 has no password. You just hit the 'get file' button and download this config. I suggest ZArchiver app to extract my file. The zip file will contain a Files folder. 

Now the next process you can see in step by step. But What about BGMI? Will the process be the same for it? Yes! Just like White Body File for PUBG/BGMI. Everything is same in both of these games. Now let's talk about how to apply this file?

NO GRASS 2.3 Only no grass config 2.3 direct download kare no grass 👇 2.3 , 2.1 All map no grass

Download Now

Apply Process:

1:- Extract Downloaded File.

2:- Open Extracted Folder.

3:- Copy "Files" Folder.

4:- Go to "Android" Folder.

5:- Open "data" Folder.

6:- Open "com.tencent.ig"(BGMI user choose imobile).

7:- Paste "Copied" Folder.

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